Electrochemistry kit
Electrochemistry System is a powerful instrument to introduce students to the chemical reactions that involve electrical phenomena. How is electric current produced? Can we store this electric current somehow? Why does iron rust? Is it possible to protect metals from corrosion? Electrochemistry System will answer all these questions and many more, through practical demonstrations. The complete set of equipment has been selected to perform the 21 experiments included in the Instruction Manual plus a wide range of additional electrochemistry experiments.
Main Components:
Stand with universal clamps
Digital multimeter
Hand-held pH meter
Hoffmann voltmeter
DC power supply
Long red and black connecting wires
Short red and black connecting wires
Crocodile clips
Iron electrodes
Copper electrodes
Silver electrodes
Zinc electrodes
Lead electrodes
Aluminium electrodes
Platinum electrodes
Graphite electrodes
25 ml burette
Burette clamp
Test cell module
Test cell covers
Glass rods
Measuring cylinder
Glass funnel
Bulb lamp set
Filter paper
Chemical and physical properties:
Conductivity and electrolytes
Effect of concentration on conductivity
Dissolution of metals
Reference electrodes
Reduction potentials
Daniell cells
Volta cells
Concentration cells
Connection of cells in series and parallel
Practical use of reference electrode:
measuring pH experiments
Electrolytic processes
Effect of pH on Water electrolysis
Corrosion and protection of metals
List of experiments:
Electrolytes and conductivity
Conductivity and concentration
Electrolytic processes
Salt solution cell
An unusual source of electric current the lemon cell
The standard hydrogen electrode
The Daniell cell
Connection of Daniell cells
The Volta cell
Galvanic cells concentration cells
Galvanic cells with different redox couple
Water electrolysis
Water electrolysis basic environment
The silver /silver chloride reference electrode
Standard potentials and the silver/silver chloride
reference electrode
Plotting a titration curve
Weak acid and strong base titration
Corrosion and cathodic protection
Protection against corrosion: galvanizing
Aluminium anodizing